May 2014 - page 6

All creatures great and small
We’re going on a bug hunt we‘re going to catch a big one!
It’s not all about the horses down on the yard. The area is teeming with wildlife of all shapes and
sizes. And it’s these interesting little creatures that captivated Niall on his recent 10 week
course here at Greatwood.
Well done Niall you found a lot of different bugs on your hunt including a Millipede, centipede and
several different types of beetles! You even found an egg that had fallen from a nest and another
empty shell where a pheasant chick had hatched.
The Blue bells were lovely up in the woods and great to see the sun finally shining. You also tried
you’re hand at building a den using lots of fallen down branches. We decided it was a great place
to hide and watch the world go by. Luckily there were lots of puddles to splash in on the way back
and just enough time to hold Greatwood’s St George’s Day Chick. Hopefully soon we’ll be able to
tell whether it should be known as George or Georgina!
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