May 2016- 1 - page 2

St. John’s challenge
for Uplands
St. Johns Academy, Marlborough decided to set a challenge for Uplands School
Swindon that would enable them to explore further the pathways and woodland
around Greatwood. They came up with some great ideas, set the trail, made the
rules and then gave Uplands their first clue: The learners received a piece of blue
twine and a piece of red twine, and told to follow the blue. They were told that
when they spotted pieces of red twine along the trail there would be a reward in
store. Off Uplands went in search of clues, including carefully placed arrows,
made by arranging sticks in the mud, pointing the way. The pieces of blue twine
tied to trees and posts along the way reassured the trail finders that they were
on the right path – and that reassurance was definitely needed as they worked
their way further and further from the familiarity of the yard. Teamwork,
laughter and determination allowed the group to struggle onwards and upwards
through some pretty deep mud, to be rewarded with a stunning view over the
village of Oare and a chance to eat the rewards collected along the way! We
calculated that everybody had walked over 6k on our trail –well done to both
school groups.
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