Newsletter-November-2013 - page 4

F i r s t i mp r e s s i o n s c o u n t
First impressions count for a lot of things, and we should always take pride in how we present
ourselves and the environment around us. Who can work effectively in a messy room?
Here at Greatwood we pride ourselves on our tidy yard and are proud to show visitors around to
look at the horses. Although some might say ‘what’s the point in being so picky?’ to us, it is
important to take the time and effort to maintain a clean working environment.
Having previously learnt about ways in which infections can spread in dirty areas, students were
tasked to sweep the yard after the morning mucking out had finished. Sweeping sounds like an
easy job but a yard of our size, certainly takes some muscles!
With a clear strategy in place, the students began sweeping the yard from top to bottom and
from the outside in. With everyone knowing their clear roles within the group, the job was done in
record time. Although perhaps some were thinking it would be easier than they first thought!
Well done to St John’s students who worked tirelessly to get the yard spick and span, leaving not
one piece of straw for the birds to collect for their nests. Helen Yeadon was particularly
impressed with the finish when she inspected it later in the day and could not believe what a
fantastic job you had all done.
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