Newsletter-October-2013 - page 2

Ob ed i e n t Oz z y o p t s i n f o r Oc t o b e r t r a i n i n g
Everybody that owns a dog knows how many hours it can take to train the dog to follow basic
commands. Hours of work are involved to get your dog to understand what you are asking and even
then a rogue rabbit on a walk may distract the dog, ending in a long search for your beloved pet,
only to find him sat on your doorstep waiting for you to come home!
Luckily for us, our resident dogs Ozzy and Ralph like the odd tasty treat and so can be coerced
into helping our students learn the basic commands in obedience training. Having watched the
award winning handler and their dog at this year’s Crufts show us how it’s done, the students from
Uplands School had their chance to see how easy or difficult it would be to take Ozzy and Ralph
around a set course designed by themselves.
Clear hand movements and calls of ‘Sit’, ‘Wait’, ‘Down’ and ‘Stay’ could be heard as the students
negotiated the course. The dogs were extremely obedient and super-fast times were recorded as
each student and their dog crossed the finishing line. Well done to Ricky for the dog obedience
training. It looked like you and the dogs thoroughly enjoyed this challenge!
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