Newsletter-October-2013 - page 4

I t ’ s Na t i o n a l Bo o k We ek !
This term’s themed week was Book Week. And so it was only fitting that we focused on one
particular book. A book that evokes passion and debate, tells the highs and lows of life and
questions our very own morals. Can you guess what it is yet? No not a Rolf Harris novel, but
George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
To fully appreciate what life was like for the animals down on the farm, our students from St
John’s School in Marlborough created animal masks, each one representing a different animal that
could be found on Animal Farm. Discussing the roles of the various characters, it was decided that
the animals at Greatwood would disagree with the Old Major, the boar who rallied his troops
against humans, declaring that they treated them badly. In fact, all of the students thought that
Greatwood’s horses and small animals had a lovely life fit for a king. Who could ask for more when
fresh grass and hay was on tap, a comfy warm bed could be found at night and loving humans who
kept them company throughout the day?
Our first themed week went down a storm! Well done to all the students who got stuck in and got
into character. Where would you rather live? George Orwell’s Animal Farm, or Greatwood?
1,2,3 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
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