Some of the children on Horse Power sessions have never met a horse before. £5 pays for a body brush, brushing a horse makes both the child and the horse feel at ease with each other helping them to form a bond.
Horses can be extremely malnourished when they arrive at Greatwood. £12 pays for a bag of feed allowing us to nurture them back to their ideal weight.
Tetanus is a bacterial disease that can affect horses badly. £17 will pay for an injection for one of Greatwood’s horses to be protected from tetanus; this has to happen regularly, as sadly tetanus is fatal.
Children and horses can behave unpredictably together. £30 pays for a helmet for each child as safety is the most important thing in any Horse Power session.
Greatwood does not charge for any Horse Power sessions. £49 pays for each child to attend for one session that is individually tailored to meet the special needs of each child.
Horses with weak flat feet or collapsed heels need specifically designed shoes. £120 pays for a new set of these remedial shoes that prevent further painful problems.
Most of the children we help attend Horse Power sessions for a whole term. £390 pays for a child with special educational needs to spend enough time with our horses for changes in behaviour to develop.
Kissing spines can be extremely painful for a horse. £3,500 pays for an operation to cure a case of kissing spines, because of the age and condition of our horses; we have on average 3 cases per year.
Every horse that comes to Greatwood needs special care and attention. £8,000 pays for Greatwood to care for a horse for a year.